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Halloween Hershey Kiss Stickers - Page 2

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Spooky Pumpkin - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
Trendy Witch - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
Trick or Treat - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
Trick or Treat Candy - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
Upside Down Bats - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
Werewolf - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
Witch and Broom Stick - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
Witch Craft - Hershey Kiss Halloween Sticker Labels
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For a batty good time, our customized Halloween Hershey Kiss Stickers are an imaginative way to give your Hershey Chocolate Kisses a little oomph in the right direction. Featuring the theme and text of your choosing, each one fits snuggly on the bottom of a Hershey Kiss chocolate. Arrange the bedazzled miniature treats in a large bowl or sprinkle along a tabletop to add a spook-a-liscious element to your Halloween party decor. Alternatively, you can place them in favor boxes for a double whammy of Halloween fun!